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Cloud-based System Design

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Cloud-based System Design

Cloud-based System Design

Author Name : Sandesh Achar


Interest in cloud-based infrastructure among businesses is growing at a rapid pace, driven by the need to realize cost savings and to access enhanced computing resources. As you architect your cloud infrastructure, it's imperative to bear in mind that you are creating an infrastructure as well as a business model for agility, resilience, and scale. To realize these goals, your cloud architecture design must account for the unique needs of workloads, users, security, and operational costs. This paper provides design recommendations and describes best practices and principles to help you define the architecture, components, modules, data, and interfaces in the cloud to satisfy your system's requirements. It employs the main benefits of the cloud: multi-user access, scalability, elasticity, agility, and cost-effectiveness.

Index Terms—Cloud Computing, Cloud Architecture, CAP, Scalability