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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Community Based Conservation and Management o...

Community Based Conservation and Management of Sacred Groves in Sivagangai District of Tamil Nadu, India

Author Name : R. Kamalahar


Sacred groves are a vital yet primitive form of ecological conservation. These are the sacred forest vegetation that the local communities have conserved for religious reasons.  Many endangered plant species, including uncommon herbs and medicinal plants, may be found in these forests, which are rich in biological diversity. Traditional community-based conservation strategies are applied to protect these groves through a number of taboos and beliefs that have evolved through time. Legends, folklore, and myths are all part of every sacred grove's identity. Sacredness, traditional beliefs, and taboos all play a part in supporting sustainable use and protection of the region's flora and fauna. In terms of biodiversity, cultural, religion, and ethnic history, sacred groves form an inextricable link between contemporary society and the past. With the passage of time, however, significant changes in the size of sacred groves, their vegetation structure, people's perceptions of them, and religious beliefs and taboos have occurred. The size and form of the groves are changing as a result of socioeconomic circumstances. Sacred groves in India are now endangered by population growth, pollution, and biomass extraction. Because sacred groves are of significant scientific value in in situ conservation of vulnerable species, appropriate conservation and management techniques are required to retain their beneficial properties and characteristics. This study focuses on the socio­cultural elements and conservation values of sacred groves in Kandanur Village in Sivaganga district of Tamil Nadu.

Key words: Sacred groves, biodiversity, endangered plants, traditional beliefs, taboos