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Comparative Analysis between George Bernard S...

Comparative Analysis between George Bernard Shaw's Eliza Doolittle from his play Pygmalion and Ben Jonson's Doll Common from his play The Alchemist - Research Paper

Author Name : Iman Sajjad Wani


The Renaissance writer Ben Jonson and the Victorian writer George Bernard Shaw both were writers of the social truths of their times, the former using the warehouse of satire with the barrel of humour and the latter incorporating love plots, with comedy and sarcasm to bring the context of contemporary political and topical issues of the time. This evaluation of mine shows how even at different ages the same ‘Deviant Behaviours’ existed and how the writers choose to create the history of those times by drafting down the situations whereby to criticize and educate society.

Keywords: Eliza Doolittle, Doll Common, Education, Class Distinction, Prostitution, Morality.