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Comparative Study between Open Kinetic Chain ...

Comparative Study between Open Kinetic Chain Exercises and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises on Recurrent Groin Pain in Runners

Author Name : Soham Bhatkhande, Dr. S. Anandh





Background: Groin pain is a common problem in athletes, mostly affecting athletes who require kicking and sudden changes in directions.Groin injuries comprise of 2-5% of the sports injuries. Pain is often misdiagnosed as the differential diagnoses are many and difficult to reach. The anatomy of the region is complex and groin pain takes longer time to heal on its own. Often, chances of incomplete recovery are high. Moreover, recurrence of injuries is common in athletes making them prone to these kind of injuries. Sometimes, untreated and ignored cases can result into complications like chronic prostatitis and hernias. Research is necessary for better diagnosis, prognosis and holistic treatment for sooner recovery.

Purpose of the study: To study effectiveness of open kinetic chain exercises and closed kinetic chain exercises on recurrent groin pain in runners.

Objective of the study: To compare the effects of open kinetic chain exercises and closed kinetic chain exercises on recurrent groin pain in runners.

Methodology: 28runners who met the inclusion criteria were studied. Assessment was done prior to the intervention for VAS, MMT and tenderness . Group 1 was given open kinetic chain exercises along with adductor stretching and group 2 was given closed kinetic chain exercises along with adductor stretching.. This was continued four times a week for five weeks. After the fifth week, post assessment was taken using same outcome measures and results were analysed.

Results: After five weeks of the protocol given to both groups,, group 2 showed significant results as compared to group 1. The values for pain, muscle strength and tenderness were as follows: VAS (p=0.0002), MMT (p=0.0002) and tenderness (p=0.1055).

Conclusion: Closed kinetic chain exercises followed by adductor stretching proved to be effective on  recurrent groin pain in runners.

Keywords: groin pain, runners, open kinetic chain, closed kinetic chain