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Comparison of different amplifiers at differe...

Comparison of different amplifiers at different data rates in WDM system performance

Author Name : Umesh Gupta, Monika Rani, Rakesh Goyal

ABSTRACT In this manuscript, we have transmitted 10 Gbps data to 128 users in WDM system and compare the effect of different optical amplifiers on the proposed system. The frequency and power of WDM transmitters has been taken at 190 THz and 3.99 dBm respectively. The injection current of 0.5 A has been applied to the amplifier. The data is transmitted at 1550 nm wavelength to reduce the effect of attenuation. Further, the system has been analyzed for the effect of different amplifiers with respect to different data rates i.e. 5 Gbps, 10 Gbps, 15 Gbps and 20 Gbps.