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Construction and Standardization of Concept A...

Construction and Standardization of Concept Attainment Test

Author Name : Neelam Suman, Dr. Sangeeta Chauhan

ABSTRACT The concept attainment test is useful to measure the concept attainment ability of the students. Researcher initially wrote total of 40 items but after the item analysis there were selected only 36 items and 4 items were rejected. The Pearson product moment correlation between the odd-even test scores was found 0.8629. The value of Spearman Brown prophecy Coefficient (S.B.C.) was found 0.9264. Similarly, The Pearson product moment correlation between the first half and second half test scores was found 0.7274. The value of Spearman Brown prophecy Coefficient (S.B.C.) between the test scores was found 0.8419. Therefore, the split half reliability (first half and second half) of the test is 0.8419 and the odd and even reliability of the test is 0.9264. The researcher calculated the sum of item’s variance and the variance of the total score to compute the value of Cronbach’s Alpha, it was found 0.9395. Therefore, the reliability of the test is 0.9395. The face validity of the test was found with the help experts’ opinion. The content validity of the test was computed by using formula given by C.H. Lawshe. The content validity of the test was found 0.8889. The concurrent validity of the test was found with the help of correlation between the self-made concept attainment test and the concept attainment test developed by Anuradha Joshi and Ratnamala Arya. Both these tests were administered to the 205 students of class seventh of Lucknow city. The correlation between the two tests was found 0.8126. Therefore, the concurrent validity of the self-made concept attainment test is 0.8126. Norms was developed by using Percentile.