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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Consumer Perception toward the Organic Produc...

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Consumer Perception toward the Organic Produc...

Consumer Perception toward the Organic Products: A Study at Birendranagar, Surkhet

Author Name : Ammar Bahadur Rokaya, Akhilesh Chandra Pandey

ABSTRACT The growing awareness of consumers regarding health and environmental benefits of organic foods has shaped their purchasing behaviours causing them giving significant attention to such foods in recent years. This paper reports an analysis of consumer perception towards organic foods at Birendranagar, Surkhet in Nepal attempting to bring valuable insights in to the market demand and identifying factors that influence their purchasing decision. Using convenience and purposive sampling, the data related to consumers’ attitudes, beliefs and perceptions towards organic products have been collected through survey questionnaire from 200 respondents. The findings of the study show that awareness and knowledge, attitudes, perceived benefits, price sensitivity, trust and availability of organic products affect the consumer perception. Increasing consumers’ awareness regarding the benefits of using organic foods and making such foods available in the market, the business organizations could expand organic food business both in the study area and outside.