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Critical Analysis of Kati Basti in Lumber Spo...

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Critical Analysis of Kati Basti in Lumber Spo...

Critical Analysis of Kati Basti in Lumber Spondylosis

Author Name : Dr. Mamta Sharma, Dr. Umesh Shukla, Dr. Arunesh kumar Dwivedi


In present era, the dependence on technology has lead to various lifestyle diseases. The use of gadgets like smartphones, laptops and desktops has given rise to a huge number of postural disorders. Mostly the IT professionals face the occupational hazard of lumber spondylosis due to long working hours sitting in front of a computer. The lumber spondylosis is a degenerative disorder often associated with advancement of age, but as suggested earlier, the postural defects can lead to early degenerativechanges. Lumber spondylosis can be correlated to Katigatvatain Ayurveda. The numerous treatment modalities are available in both Ayurveda and contemporary science including oral medications and the panchkarma therapies like katibasti, matrabasti, Angnikarma, Abhyanga and Swedana etc. The pain management is the main aim in lumber spondylosis, which can be effectively reduced by Kati basti. The present write up is an effort to critically evaluate the mode of action of katibasti in the management of lumber spondylosis.

Keywords: katigatvata, Panchkarma, katibasti