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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Deprivation of Indian Muslims in Socio-Econom...

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Deprivation of Indian Muslims in Socio-Econom...

Deprivation of Indian Muslims in Socio-Economic Development of India: Sachar Committee Report

Author Name : M. S. Ravi Teja

ABSTRACT After independence of India in 1947, it has experienced tremendous progress in all spheres. Not all religious communities have equally benefited from this growth process. Among these, the Muslims who are largest minority of the country were lagging behind other religious communities in all human development indicators. The Sachar Committee Report became one of the first and most valuable document that exposed the hard facts of deprivation of Muslims in socio-economic development of India. It also made policy suggestions and recommendations for the upliftment of socio-economic and education status of Muslims. This paper discusses the findings and recommendations of Sachar Committee report and also analyses the Governments affirmative actions to SCR’s Recommendations