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Design and analysis of a Multipurpose Loader ...

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Design and analysis of a Multipurpose Loader ...

Design and analysis of a Multipurpose Loader Bucket

Author Name : Yashpal Chopra, Parvesh Dahiya, Sushil Kashyup,

The principle motivation behind the work is to design a Loader bucket. Loader bucket is a scoop shape type bucket which is generally used in loader to perform excavation, compacting, lifting and carrying materials, backfilling, mixing materials operations. Numerous designed have been designed to fulfill the requirement of the modern era. The bucket can also be designed as a multipurpose bucket by changing its design. The bucket can be used as a multipurpose because it can perform multi functions by its components. A novel design of a bucket has been created with SOLIDWORKS. Mainly the design outlines takes into account the fundamental features, such as basic structure, components and mechanical specifications. Kinematic as well as Dynamic Analysis had to be done by finite Element Analysis on the software.