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Detection of Personalities Using Handwritten ...

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Detection of Personalities Using Handwritten ...

Detection of Personalities Using Handwritten Analysis

Author Name : Mrs. Ranjit K N, Mr. Mohammed Sayeed, Mr. Praveen Kumar S R, Mr. Abdul Usman, Mr. Sachin V R


Graphology is the scientific study of handwriting and its potential to reveal personality traits and psychological characteristics. It is based on the idea that handwriting is a reflection of an individual's subconscious mind and can provide insights into their underlying emotions, motivations, and behavioral patterns.

Graphologists analyze various aspects of handwriting, such as size, shape, slant, pressure, and rhythm, to interpret the writer's personality and behavior. The field of graphology has been utilized in a variety of settings, from personal development to forensic investigations and hiring decisions.

However, there are ongoing debates about the validity and reliability of graphology as a scientific discipline. Critics argue that it lacks scientific rigor and is based on subjective assumptions. They suggest that handwriting could be influenced by various external factors such as culture, education, and physical impairment, which makes it an unreliable indicator of personality traits, despite the controversies, graphology remains a popular and widely used tool for personal and professional development. However, it is important to consider the limitations of the technique and seek additional information and opinions when making important decisions based on graphological interpretation alone.

Key Words: Handwriting Analysis, Personality Assessment, Behavior Traits