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Develop and Evaluate a Matrix System for Chro...

Develop and Evaluate a Matrix System for Chronotherapeutic Delivery of Budesonide

Author Name : Dr. K. Vinod Kumar, Dudekula Saidu Hussain, Banavath Praveen Naik

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to develop and evaluate a matrix system for Chronotherapeutic delivery of Budesonide containing Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide and chemically modified Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide in the treatment of Nocturnal Asthma. Matrix tablets of Budesonide- Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide were prepared by using wet granulation method and evaluated by different in vitro tests and release profiles. The release profile of Budesonide from the matrix tablets is dependent upon the gelling property of Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide and degradation of Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide by colonic bacteria. In Stomach, the release rate was much slower; however, the drug was released quickly in the lower part of GIT after 4 hours. The dissolution data revealed that the tablets containing Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide and cross linked Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide in higher concentrations each showed 84.956±0.42% and 78.286±0.17% of drug release respectively with in 24hrs study period and selected tablets of cross linked Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide were subjected to in vitro drug release study in presence of rat caecal content medium. Results clearly indicate that there is an increase in the release of the drug to 98.930±0.38% due presence of caceal content. The results were subjected to study the release kinetics. The values of correlation coefficient indicated that the drug release followed Zero order drug release kinetics with Peppas drug release mechanism.