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Development and Evaluation of polyherbal Coug...

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Development and Evaluation of polyherbal Coug...

Development and Evaluation of polyherbal Cough Syrup

Author Name : Dr. Archana Gorle Ingle, Ramika Parab, Deepanjali Wagh, Shubhangi Kadam, Dr Rupesh Pingale


Respiratory disorders are increasing day by day due to various viral diseases and environmental reasons and Coughing is the primary symptom of many respiratory system disorders. Recently in theCOVID 19 patients are at higher risk of the viral infectious respiratory disease. Most of the medicines commercially available for treatment of cough contain cough suppressant Dextromethorphan along with antihistamines; It has a lot of CNS side effects like Drowsiness, hallucination. Natural ingredients have been reported effective and immunity boosters from centuries ago and came up with comparatively safer solution for this problem. In present research some natural herbs are used to develop safe and cost effective syrup for cough. The aqueous extracts of selected herbs were formulated in particular ratio to syrup form using Honey as a flavor and expectorant. Formulated syrup was then tested for physicochemical parameters and stability study. The formulation was found stable and passes all physiochemical parameters.

Keywords :Polyherbal, Cough Syrup, Herbal formulation