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Devising and Assessment of Antimicrobial Herb...

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Devising and Assessment of Antimicrobial Herb...

Devising and Assessment of Antimicrobial Herbal Cream with Enhanced Activity

Author Name : Mrs. Rupinder Kaur, Ms. Naaj, Mr. Ramandeep Singh, Ms. Priya


Numerous herbs have been utilised throughout history to improve human appearance. There are several herbal cosmetic preparations that may be utilised for this. The objective of the study was to create and evaluate a herbal antibacterial cream with the intention of calming, moisturising, and treating a number of skin-related problems. Infection is caused by microorganisms like fungus, bacteria, mold, and others that penetrate through human skin, which serves as a physical barrier. Infections caused by bacteria are frequently found in the skin. Numerous herbs including manjistha, tulsi oil, aleovera, neem and kari leaves are used to stop and eradicate bacterial development. (1) Cosmetics are substances applied to improve one’s glance. The given research work includes the preparation of antibacterial cream with enhanced antibacterial activity. Two final samples underwent accelerated stability testing in an environmental chamber with a temperature of 25°C and a relative humidity of 60°RH. No trace phase separation or colour change was discovered in any of the products, which all appeared to be stable. Additionally, the sensitivity testing patch test has been carried out. (2)

Keywords: cosmetics, antimicrobial activity, skin problems etc.