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Disparities of Urbanization in Rajasthan

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Disparities of Urbanization in Rajasthan

Disparities of Urbanization in Rajasthan

Author Name : Dr Mukesh Yadav


Urbanization process refers the shifting of population from rural areas to urban areas. This process leads conversion of a rural society into urban society in which former has primary function as its economy and later is engaged in secondary or tertiary activities. Urbanization can be defined as old process but it is increasing rapidly from some last decades. The whole world is facing a vast increasing rate of urbanization. On the basis of the report of world population division, share of urban population would be one third till 2050. The 90% share will be contributed by Northern America,Western Europe, and Asian countries like India,Bangladesh  Japan,Australia and south East  Asia.It is estimated that 51 Asian countries in which half were listed 60% urban in 2014. Indian subcontinent is also a major urbanization leading country. Top ten megacities existing in the world include three Indian cities which are Delhi,Mumbai and Kolkata. The total urban population in India was recorded  377105760 during 2011. The total percentage of urban population in 1961 recorded 26.40% which is increased 31.8% in 2011. Rajasthan is seventh most populous state in India having 24.87% level of urbanization . In 1901, the urban population of Rajasthan was 1.48 million . During the period of 2011, it is increased as 17.05 million . Most urbanized districts in Rajasthan are Jaipur , Kota and Ajmer. These three districts in Rajasthan occur under the category of  more than 40% urbanization which represents that these three districts have the level of urbanization more than state. Southern district of Rajasthan particularly Banswara, Dungerpur and Partapgarh jalor and Barmer recorded very low level of urbanization. The paper represents the disparities of urbanization in Rajasthan on the basis of level of urbanization, Location Quotient and Primacy pattern.

Keywords: - Urbanization, Rajasthan