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Distance Education: Quality Check up with Spe...

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Distance Education: Quality Check up with Spe...

Distance Education: Quality Check up with Special Reference to IGNOU

Author Name : Anita Kumari, Laxmi Rani



This study was conducted on the basis of random sample to find out the extent of quality assurance in different courses offered by IGNOU particularly in regional centers of North Bihar region. In north Bihar there are 19 districts under which 28 centers are running with the approximate enrolment of one lakh yearly. A representative sample of students to different demographic regions and different age groups, 16 academic & non- academic staff constituted the total sample. Staff members selected for samples were of different grades and the students sample comprised to all levels.

A semi structured interview schedule was developed for the study centre staff (Academic & Non-Academic) to collect information about the services being provided at the study centre.

On the basis of analysis and discussion it was concluded that distance education system was preferred and supported by the large number of people because they could continue their education while remaining in job. The flexibility offered by distance system in selecting the courses and combination of courses are also a matter of great attraction. Respondents found course materials good but felt more examples needed to be added in appropriate places to enhance the clarity of the concepts.

Key word:  Distance education, Distance Learning and course material.