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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Distributed Generation of Renewable Resources...

Distributed Generation of Renewable Resources of J&K

Author Name : Navreen Banoo, Yasmeen Akhte, Masrood Hadi, Fariz Gulzar, Prachi Verma

ABSTRACT: Distribution generation is the method in which energy is generated near the consumer end . The renewable resources utilization will not only provide energy but also eco- friendly and reduce the transportation cost also. Distribution generation is the way to harness the energy from renewable resources efficiently. The state J &K is the northern state of our country. India is fully blessed with a large amount of potential for utilization of renewable energy .At present, our state is not able to harness all energy from the resources present . If the state is able to harness, it will beneficial for our state. As wind energy ,hydro energy , solar energy, geothermal energy are abundantly available in the state. The hydro-electric power has tremendous potential for generation of electricity because of presence of network of stream and canals .However ,state J & k have experience an energy cric is our some period. There is also a abundance of At & C losses in over state, the government is also taking some steps to reduce this losses. This paper represent the current scenario , potential and utilization of J & K Renewable energy in the form of solar, hydro, wind and geothermal present in Jammu and Kashmir.