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E-Commerce: Take Your Business to E-Level

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E-Commerce: Take Your Business to E-Level

E-Commerce: Take Your Business to E-Level

Author Name : Archana

ABSTRACT: “ E-commerce and mobile commerce have dramatically changed the way brands reach customers, making it faster and easier for consumers to make purchases on the fly while avoiding the hassles of going to the store.”- Hil Davis E Commerce stands for electronic commerce and caters to trading in goods and services through the electronic medium such as internet, mobile or any other computer network. It involves the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) in making commerce between consumers and organizations, organization and organization or consumer and consumer. With the growing use of internet worldwide, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has also increased in humungous amounts and so has flourished e-commerce with the prolific virtual internet bazaar inside the digital world which is righty termed as e-malls. Electronic Commerce is process of doing business through computer networks. A person sitting on his chair in front of a computer can access all the facilities of the Internet to buy or sell the products. Unlike traditional commerce that is carried out physically with effort of a person to go & get products, ecommerce has made it easier for human to reduce physical work and to save time. E-Commerce which was started in early 1990’s has taken a great leap in the world of computers, but the fact that has hindered the growth of e-commerce is security. Security is the challenge facing e-commerce today & there is still a lot of advancement made in the field of security. The main advantage of e-commerce over traditional commerce is the user can browse online shops, compare prices and order merchandise sitting at home on their PC.