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Educational Level of Literate Population in W...

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Educational Level of Literate Population in W...

Educational Level of Literate Population in West Bengal, 2011: An Analysis

Author Name : Tushar Kanti Ghara, Somnath Majhi


Education is the back bone of the socio-economic development of any community. Literacy rate is one of the important parameter to measure the educational development. The population with higher educational levels indeed has more opportunities to better their socio-economic condition. Higher educational level also allows grabbing a white-color job. This is so true for especially for the Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST); as they are bound to work a menial and traditional job due to low educational levels. The percentage of the literate population with various educational levels like up to the primary level, from upper primary to higher secondary and graduate and above differs in different districts. SC and ST are well behind in this regard with the total population. Kolkata and its surrounding districts have fewer percentage populations with low educational levels and vice versa and it is true for the SC and ST population also. In this paper, an attempt has been made to show the spatial variation of the districts in terms of percentage of the literate population with educational level and compare the districts with total, SC and ST perspective.

Keywords: Educational attainment, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, white-collar job