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Effect of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy To Re...

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Effect of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy To Re...

Effect of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy To Reduce Stress In Youngsters With Inter-Parental Conflict

Author Name : Dr. M. Arun Kumar, Uma Maheswari.M


Youngsters in inter-parental conflicted environments undergo stress and thus affecting their normal well-being of the person. The study aims to determine the effect of dialectical behavior therapy to reduce stress in youngsters with inter-parental conflict. This study was done among a quasi-experimental design and convenient sampling techniques were adopted to select the youngsters undergoing stress due to inter-parental conflict. A total of thirty (30) subjects were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, they were divided into two groups 15 subjects in the control group who underwent conventional occupational therapy, and 15 subjects in the experimental group who underwent Dialectical Behaviour therapy. The pre-test and post-test were evaluated by the Perceived Stress scale.

The statistical analysis showed significant improvement in both groups when compared to the post scores of both groups, there was high statistical significance shown in the experimental group. This study concluded that Dialectical Behaviour therapy has a significant effect on youngsters undergoing stress who have an inter-parental conflicted environment.

Keywords: Dialectical Behaviour therapy, stress, youngsters, inter-parental conflict, Perceived stress scale.