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Effect of Plyometric and Core Training With G...

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Effect of Plyometric and Core Training With G...

Effect of Plyometric and Core Training With Game Specific Training on Selected Physiological Variables among College Men Football Players

Author Name : D. Nandakumar, Dr. S. Ramesh, Dr. A. Sankar





The purpose of the study was to effect of plyometric and core training with game specific training on selected physiological variables among college men football players. 45 male football players were randomly selected as the subjects for this study from the age group 18– 25 years in Erode district. The participants were trained plyometric group I (PG), Core training group II (CG) and control group. Each group consisted of 15 subjects. Separate linear regression models were used to evaluate the pre post change in variables. All the subjects were informed about the nature of the study consist was obtained to co-operate till the end of the experiment and testing period. The experimental treatment namely plyometric   training and core training was administrated for a duration of 8 weeks and the number of session per week was confined to three alternative days and each session lasted 60 minutes, in addition to the regular schedule of the football  training both the training packages are presented in appendices I and II respectively. Statistically significant improvements in baseline scores in resting heart rate was comparable between the three groups of college football players. resting heart rate improved by 76.46 inplyometrictraining group,77.40 in the core training group and 80.06in the control group. Additional research on long-duration intervention in elite players may help to establish the role of plyometric training and core training in conventional football skills for training.

Key Words: physiological, heart rate, Plyometric Training, Core Training and Football