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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Effect of Shadowing on Packet Delivery Ratio ...

Effect of Shadowing on Packet Delivery Ratio in Wireless Network

Author Name : Radhika Purandare, Arti Bang, Archana Ratnaparkhi, Minal Deshmukh


This paper presents a comprehensive study of wired and wireless networks, focusing on their distinctive characteristics. While wired networks typically rely on a single routing protocol, wireless networks offer a plethora of routing protocols such as AODV, DSDV, DSR, TORA, and ZRP, among others. For the wireless network analysis in this study, the AODV routing protocol was chosen as the primary focus. Various propagation schemes prevalent in wireless communication, namely Free Space, Two Ray Ground, and Shadowing. Significantly influence signal transmission and reception. To evaluate the performance, the Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) is studied out using simulations based on NS2, a widely adopted network simulator.

Keywords: AODV, NS2,  PDR,  Wired and wireless networks