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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Effect of Speed of Train on Noise Generation

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Effect of Speed of Train on Noise Generation

Effect of Speed of Train on Noise Generation

Author Name : Abhishek Kumar Yadav, A.K. Shukla


In recent few decades the high speed trains have been inducted in the transportation system. This has made the transportation system easier but at the same time they emit large amount of rolling noise, engine noise and aerodynamic noise, which is a major concern for the residents residing nearby these high speed railway tracks. This study is done at the two different locations of Lucknow city. Both the locations, Janeshwar Mishra Park and Jankipuram Extension have the ballasted track system. For this three trains moving at three different speeds and the noise generated by them is recorded by noise level meter at 10 meter from the centre-line of track and is tabulated. It is concluded that higher the speed of train, higher is the noise generated by the train when the noise is measured at the same distance from the track centre-line. Thus it is recorded that a train running at speed of 83 Kmph at Janeshwar Mishra Park produces 3.2 dB(A) more noise than the another train moving at 77 Kmph at the same location. Similarly, the effect of speed of train was also seen on the other location of study.