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Effect of V-Shape Baffle Absorber Plate on He...

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Effect of V-Shape Baffle Absorber Plate on He...

Effect of V-Shape Baffle Absorber Plate on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Solar Air Heater

Author Name : Rakesh Kumar Manoranjan, Dr. Ajay Kumar Singh, Prof. Ashish Verma


Solar air heaters are used to capture heat from solar radiation, give it to the working fluid and that hot fluid can be used in various applications. In present work an experimental comparison on thermal performance of double pass solar air heater has been conducted by using two different absorber plates and at different mass flow rate. Two different types of absorber plate have been used. The absorber plate’s have - black colour and black colour with V- Shaped baffles. Research also includes the effect of mass flow rate. The experiment evaluate that the presence of V-Shaped baffles on absorber plate in the solar air heater rises the outlet temperature ,which further increases the thermal efficiency and also shows substantial potentiality to heat air in both type solar air heater. In research it has been investigated that baffle solar air heater (BSAH) with V-Shaped baffles on black colour absorber plate  has reasonably high performance to heat air as compared to conventional solar air heater (CSAH) with black colour absorber plate. The maximum difference in temperature was found 31°C at mass flow rate of 0.005383 kg/s in case of baffle solar air heater (BSAH) with black colour absorber plate having V-Shaped baffles which was about 19% higher compare with conventional solar air heater.

Keywords: Solar Air Heater, V- Shape Baffle, Thermal Efficiency, Mass Flow Rate