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Effectiveness of Life Skills Counselling To R...

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Effectiveness of Life Skills Counselling To R...

Effectiveness of Life Skills Counselling To Reduce Psychasthenia Personality Factor among Alcoholics

Author Name : Dr. Manjunatha P.


Life-skills counseling is an educational approach, which is used to inculcate the essential life-skills in an individual to meet the challenges of everyday life.  Life skills counseling intervention is being utilized to treat various problematic behavior. It is also known to be very effective and appropriate for present day scenario and easily adaptable for larger groups.The Life-skills counseling is known to be cost effective as well as emerging as an appropriate, non-pharmacological intervention for larger group.  Hence, the study emphasizes the effectiveness of Life-skills counseling as an intervention in reducing the psychasthenia personality trait among alcoholics. A total of 120 alcoholic participants were selected on convenient basis.  To measurepsychasthenia personality CAQ was administered before and after Life-skills Counseling intervention.  Results revealed that there was significant difference in scores on psychasthenia personality before and after assessment; indicating that Life-skills counseling is an effective intervention in reducing the psychasthenia personalityfactor among alcoholics.

Key Words: Life-skills Counseling,Psychasthenia, CAQ, Alcoholics