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Effectiveness of Shavasana on Blood Pressure ...

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Effectiveness of Shavasana on Blood Pressure ...

Effectiveness of Shavasana on Blood Pressure among Hypertensive Patient Selected Community Settings, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu, India

Author Name : Marun Sam Devadhas. A, Lavanya. M, Lavanya. T, Mohana Priya. P, Mrs . Kanchana. M

ABSTRACT An experimental study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of shavasana on blood pressure among hypertensive patients in selected community setting, Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu, India. Objectives of the study were to assess the level of blood pressure before shavasana among hypertensive patients, to assess the level of blood pressure after shavasana among hypertensive patient, to evaluate the effectiveness of shavasana on blood pressure among hypertensive patients, to find out the association between pre and post-test of blood pressure among hypertensive patients and their selected demographic variables of hypertensive patients. Non probability purposive sampling technique were used to select the samples. Study reveal that in the pre test percentage and frequency of hypertensive patients are normal blood pressure clients is 3 %, prehypertensive patients are 23% and 55% of the patients comes under stage 1 hypertension and 15% comes under stage II hypertension before shavasana. After shavasana the blood pressure literally reduced in most of the patients the normal blood pressure level is increased by 21% then most of the patients after practising shavasana they came to pre-hypertensive stage by 57%. Only 12% of the patients were in the stage 1 hypertension and 10% of the patients were in the stage II hypertension. There was significant association with the post test score with all the demographic variables. The overall improvement in the mean and standard dev of the hypertensive patients’s value is pre test systole and post test systole is reduced from 9.72 to 7.85 and pre test diastole and post test diastole is 8.01 to 6.27. the ‘t’ test is greater than the book value so it is significantly associated and the effect of blood pressure is reduced by shavasana.