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Effectiveness of structured teaching program ...

Effectiveness of structured teaching program on stress and coping strategies among working women in selected community area kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu

Author Name : P. Nivetha, Pema Drema Gyamo, P. Pavithra, S. Nandhini, M. Dhivakar, Metha. J

ABSTRACT The experimental study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on stress and coping strategies among working women in a selected community area, kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu. An objective of the study was to assess the stress and coping strategies among working women in a selected community area. To determine the effectiveness of structured teaching program among working women. To find out the association between selected demographic variables and stress, coping strategies of working women in before and after structured teaching program. The study was conducted in MGM Dizzy company kanchipuram district. A convenient sampling technique was used. Samples who met the inclusion criteria participated in the study. Self structured questionnaire was used assess the demographic variable of working women and Standardized tool such as Professional stress scale, and Brief cope questionnaire was used to assess the stress, coping strategies of working women. The collected data was tabulated and analyzed. The study shows that in the pre test 20% of the women had severe stress, 42% had moderate stress which changed after the structured teaching program and in post test 50% of the working women had low stress. In the pre test 42% of the working had less coping strategies which changed after teaching program leading to post test where 50% of women had good coping strategies. Paired t test was significant pre- post stress and coping strategies and there was significant association post test stress and coping strategies score with demographic characteristics like age, type of family and occupational status.