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ISSN: 2455-6211

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“Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Progr...

“Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge, Attitude and Pratice regarding Diaper Rashes among the Mother‟s of Infant in a selected district, Tamil Nadu, India.”

Author Name : Prithiba G, Priya K, Rebekahal R, Rehka R, Mrs. Deepa Berin Rose

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge, attitude and practices regarding management and prevention of diaper rashes among infant mothers using a cross-sectional one group pre-test and post-test research design. The sample consisted of 50 infant mothers having a infant (0 to 1year).A purposive sampling was used for selecting the mothers. The demographic profile of the infant mothers was assessed through a structured interview. The existing knowledge, attitude and practices of infant mothers regarding management and prevention of diaper rashes was assessed with the help of a self-administered Questionnaire, a self-administered Opinionnaire and a self-administered checklist respectively with the help of google forms. A Structured teaching programme on management and prevention of diaper rashes as implemented using ppt and video and then post-test was conducted after 7days. The Study findings revealed that the overall mean and standard deviation of knowledge, attitude and practice score of infant mothers in the post-test was 19±3.01, 78.82±11.23 & 47.7±7.81 respectively which was found to be significantly higher than the pre-test knowledge, attitude and practice scores which was 13.92±2.92, 63.94±12.45& 37.7±9.02 respectively. The study concluded that, the structured teaching program on management and prevention of diaper rashes was effective in improving the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of infant mothers.