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Elevated TDS [Total Dissolved Solid] In Drink...

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Elevated TDS [Total Dissolved Solid] In Drink...

Elevated TDS [Total Dissolved Solid] In Drinking Water and Its Effect on Human Health: A Review

Author Name : RC Chippa, Anupama Sharma, Mohd. Ishaq


Water has a very significant role in human survival. Safe and healthy potable water is a basic element for all living things. For a few decades, water related issues are rising on alarming level, especially for drinking water. Availability of potable is limited and it is going to be reducing day by day, as water is being polluted by human activities. Rajasthan, which has 10.41% area of India's total area but the availability of water, is 0.99% to 1%. Excess uses of water and industrial waste are some of reasons behind water pollution. TDS (Total dissolves solids) level in ground water is increasing day by day. Diminution the quality of potable water raises from intercalation of chemical elements into the water supply system. Dissolved ions are not being differentiated in TDS level. Ions may be organic salt, inorganic salt or any other dissolved matter. The mean saltiness of the world's rivers is relatively 120 mg per litre and bicarbonate is the major anion presented in natural water1. Unplanned and poor management to execute the program to recycle or dispose the solid or liquid waste is the prime reason in urban area water pollution. More than 2 billion people in all over the world are suffering the water related health issues.