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Emergence of Entrepreneurship in Digital Era:...

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Emergence of Entrepreneurship in Digital Era:...

Emergence of Entrepreneurship in Digital Era: Issues and Challenges

Author Name : Jyoti

ABSTRACT:   Digital entrepreneurship is the main streamline of business in the present scenario. Internet is the new driver for everything going in the world. Digital entrepreneurship refers to the use of digital technologies to enhance the resources for entrepreneurship. Today’s generation is millennial generation and it has grown with the technologies. Digital entrepreneurship is viewed as an important piller for economic growth, job oppurtunities and businessrevolution. It must be noted that a country’s digital growth is largely depends upon the country’s government support system and public mind set. This paper covers the issue and challenges that are faced by the stakeholders of the organization. Also, it covers the impact of government digital schemes on the entrepreneurship like Digital India, Pay Gov, BHIM, Digital Locker. It has motivated the new businessmen to go digital and hence created a new scenario in the economy.