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Enhancement of Self-Discipline in Alcoholics-...

Enhancement of Self-Discipline in Alcoholics-An Intervention Study

Author Name : Dr. Manjunatha P, Dr. S. Surma



Life skills counseling intervention is one of the most effective and appropriate one in treating and helping the alcoholics in reconstruction of their personality.  The major aim of the present research paper is to emphasize the impact of Life-skills counseling as intervention in enhancing self-discipline personality factor among alcoholics.  The Life-skills counseling is known to be cost effective as well as emerging as an appropriate, non-pharmacological intervention for larger group.  Total 120 alcoholic participants were selected on convenient basis.  To measure self-discipline personality factor CAQ was administered before and after Life-skills Counseling intervention.  Results revealed thatthe difference in scores onself-discipline personality for before and after assessment was statistically significant. This research study suggested that Life-skills counseling is an effective intervention in enhancing the self-discipline personality among alcoholics.

Key Words: Self-discipline,Life-skills Counseling, Alcoholics, CAQ