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Environment in the Buddhist Religious Traditi...

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Environment in the Buddhist Religious Traditi...

Environment in the Buddhist Religious Tradition

Author Name : Mekala Lazarus Alexander

ABSTRACT Humans are the integral part of the environment that surrounds them. Before the dawn of the science and the technology, humans were completely dependents on the environment; on the food, minerals, wood, stones, soil, trees, etc. As the humanity developed, human beings have become cultural beings and social beings as well. They started living in groups; creating villages and cities. The need to clear the forests have emerged for a community life. Slowly the forests have been changed to concrete forest with huge buildings that touch the sky. With the usage of automobiles and electronic devices, that emit harmful gases and radiations, the situation of the environment has crumbled. Religion has always been an inherent concept of humanity. Even before all the technological developments and the scientific advancements, religion existed in the lives and the society of humans. They worshipped and believed in metaphysical beings that have the power to alter their lives. All the human religions have given important role to the environment. The religious customs and practices have involved ecology in one way or the other. As one of the famous and well-known religions, Buddhism has always given prominence to the environment and acknowledges its role in the life of the human beings and asserts the caring of the environment for the sustenance of humanity.