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Eradication of Domestic Violence-Transforming...

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Eradication of Domestic Violence-Transforming...

Eradication of Domestic Violence-Transforming Mind, Law and Ethics to make a Sustainable Healthy Society

Author Name : Dr. Sumanta Bhattacharya, Bhavneet Kaur Sachdev


Domestic violence is an clandestine activit. It has been a result of an amalgamation of factors. The basic idea behind domestic violence is to gain control over their parents or any other family member. Domestic violence is not a new phenomenon it has been happening in India since ages because of their mentality and orthodox religious believes. Domestic violence against women and children is very common as they are considered to be emotionally and mentality frail. Domestic violence has a long lasting effects on the mind of people  and can lead to  seriously health issues , dowry death , honor killing , sexual assault are all part of domestic violence. We are living in a transition society and it is very necessary for people t come out of their orthodox believe and accept the cultural change, where people are no more slaves to men and consist them equal to men , so that we can live in and grow in a sustainable environment which is mentality, physically and psychologically healthy for everyone  . We need to come up with new intervention and policies so that we can save women from this crime and make life better for them on this earth. We need to take into consideration women health, human rights and provide them Justice for whatever wrong is being done to them . Body is a very private space and men needs to accept proximity.

Keywords: Domestic violence. Proximity, emotionally, mentality, psychological, crime, orthodox religious believes.