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“Evaluating the Therapeutic Efficacy of a P...

“Evaluating the Therapeutic Efficacy of a Poly Herbal Spray for Wound”

Author Name : Chirag Laddha, Rahul Gadhave, Krushna Jawanjal, Punam Narwade, Pallavi Maske, Somesh Rothe, Adesh Ovhar, Dr. Aijaz A Sheikh, Dr. Kailash R Biyani

ABSTRACT A polyherbal aerosol formulation was prepared by using pressure filling method. The formulation was screened for organoleptic properties, physical properties, TLC, UV spectroscopy, IR spectra, antimicrobial studies and HPLC analysis. The composition of the formulation consisted of Eudragit RL, Eudrugit L, Ethyl cellulose and Magnesium stearate as film forming polymers. The spray formulation was further evaluated for various phytochemical as well as analytical tests. The in-vitro evaluations showed that the herbal spray formulation is a useful and effective formulation for wound healing.