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Evaluation of Antibacterial Potential of Poly...

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Evaluation of Antibacterial Potential of Poly...

Evaluation of Antibacterial Potential of Polyphenol Rich Extract of Spinacia Oleracea

Author Name : Ms. Jagruti Wange, Ms. Sadhana P. Gautam, Mr. Adnan Shaikh, Mr. Aniket Wadaskar, Ms. Dhanshree S. Dhawale, Ms. Tayyaba Sabir Ali, Mrs. Farheen A. Budhwani


Aim: Evaluation of antibacterial activity of Spinacia oleracea in rats.

Objective: To evaluate the antibacterial activity of Spinacia oleracea plant extract in-vivo. To compare the antibacterial activity of Spinacia oleracea plant extract with standard antibiotic drug.

Materials and Methods: Leaves of Spinacia Oleracea plant were dried and crushed into fine powder. Methanolic extraction Spinacia Oleracea were prepared. The preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed. The Albino Wister rats of either sex, weighing 120-180g, were used. Rifampin was used as standard drug and different concentrations of Polyphenol Rich Extract of Spinacia Oleracea (PRESO) was prepared as test drug. After induction of bacterial infection animals were treated with test and standard drug for 7 days. In-vitro Antibacterial Activity by Agar disc diffusion Method was performed. White blood cell counts (WBC), lymphocytes (LYM), Platelets (PLT), Red blood cells (RBC), Granulocytes (GRAN), Haemoglobin (HGB), Haematocrit (HCT) and Immunoglobulin G, Immunoglobulin M of rats were investigated at Pathology Laboratory.

Result: in vitro analysis maximum zone of inhibition of bacterial infection is shown by test 3 at 400 mg/kg concentration of drug. In In-vivo study shows the decreased WBC and GRAN whereas increase in count of RBC, PLT, LYM, HCT, IgG and IgM proves antibacterial activity of Polyphenol Rich Extract of Spinacia Oleracea.

Keywords: Spinacia  oleracea, Rifampin, Antibacterial Activity.