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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Examining the Economic, Social, and Political...

Examining the Economic, Social, and Political Aspects of Microfinance and Women's Empowerment

Author Name : Dr. Anuradha Verma


In thispaper, the significance of microfinance in empowering women—particularly in the economic, social, and political spheres—is examined. It is well known that microfinance, which offers financial services to the poor, is a potent tool for fostering inclusive growth and financial inclusion. Microfinance interventions have the ability to meet women's economic, social, and political needs in India, where they confront significant obstacles and prejudice. This study demonstrates the transforming benefits of microfinance on women's economic position, income production, savings accumulation, and decision-making power through an examination of several research studies. Additionally, it looks at how microfinance promotes women's social empowerment by increasing their engagement in society, awareness of their rights as women, and social inclusion. The paper also investigates the political aspect of women's financial empowerment through microloans.