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Experimental and Numerical Modal Analysis of ...

Experimental and Numerical Modal Analysis of the Backward Bladed Impeller of Centrifugal Pump

Author Name : Dilbag Bhardwaj, Sachin kumar

ABSTRACT: A rotating centrifugal pump impeller is the component which converts the energy of flowing fluid into mechanical energy. Forces are exerted on a centrifugal pump impeller due to the asymmetry of the flow caused by the volute or diffuser and to the motion of the center of the impeller whenever the shaft whirls. The blades of the impeller experiences very high cycle fatigue and failure of a single blade may lead to major secondary damage of the machine. To design reliable impellers, the blade and disk, modal analyses are of the utmost important. In this research attempt has been made to study the dynamic behavior of the backward  bladed impeller. Software Modal analysis has been carried out using Creo 2.0. Total 10 mode shapes & frequencies has been extracted from the software. The maximum deformation found from the mode shape is 1mm. The frequencies found from the software analysis is in the window of 0- 38 Hz.