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“Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Tangential Grooves on Piston Crown of D.I. Diesel Engine with Blends of Apricot Bio-Diesel”

Author Name : G. Pavan Sai, S. Lohith Reddy, Dr. D. Maneiah, Dr. R. Ganapathi


Petroleum fuel prices are often rising due to the rapid depletion of natural resources, which are exorbitantly expensive for the average consumer, especially in the situation in India. Therefore, C.I. The importance of alternative fuel engines for use in is increasing. Much research has been done on alternative fuels. Intensive research is being conducted in the area of improving the thermal efficiency of engines. This shows that in a naturally aspirated diesel engine, only one-third of the heat supplied is converted to work. Many methods are recommended by some experts and researchers to improve engine performance characteristics. The purpose of this study is to increase the swirl effect in the cylinder, improve performance and reduce emissions. In DI diesel engines, swirls can increase the mixing speed of fuel and air. The vortex interaction with the squish flow caused by compression increases the level of turbulence in the combustion bowl and promotes mixing. It is clear that the effect of the shape has very little effect on the airflow during the inspiratory stroke and in the early part of the compression stroke. However, as the piston moves towards top dead center (TDC), the shape of the bowl has a significant effect on airflow, improving atomization, mixing and combustion. In CI, the engine piston shape of the head is a flat and concave combustion chamber, and the engine was driven in this shape. However, it is not possible to mix the air-fuel ratio mixture properly here. To avoid this, shape of the piston was changed.

Keywords: D.I. Diesel Engine, Bio- Diesel, Apricot oil, Tangential Grooved Piston, B10,B20 and B30