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Experimental Results of Thermal Scheduling of...

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Experimental Results of Thermal Scheduling of...

Experimental Results of Thermal Scheduling of Power Station using Fuzzy Logic Approach

Author Name : Manoj Kumar Ranjan, Mr. Prabodh Khampariya

ABSTRACT: The target of Thermal Scheduling optimization will be economical when the criteria is to test the best combination of thermal units to serve the load with the optimum load sharing among units satisfying various constraints like load demand, voltages limits, power generations, spinning reserves within defined range and minimize operating cost without effecting the system. An approach for solving unit commitment based on the Lagrangian Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic has been proposed for the optimal scheduling of thermal units. Lagrange algorithm is based on equal incremental cost curve technique and widely used in different environments where other conventional or unconventional methods are failed for economic dispatch consideration. It gives better result for load sharing of units than other conventional methods. An artificial intelligence techniques based on Fuzzy Logic is also proposed for optimization of operating cost and power generation. It is reflected that numerical problems through fuzzy logic gives feasible and economical cost for power system operation. A set of linguistic fuzzy rules are developed to establish relationship between inputs and outputs for the development of fuzzy controller. The programming of all the algorithms has been implemented in MATLAB environment on Intel Atom Processor with 1.66 GHz frequency and 1 GB RAM. Fuzzy Logic Approach to solve such kind of problems has been studied in this work.