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Experimental Study of Potable Water using Her...

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Experimental Study of Potable Water using Her...

Experimental Study of Potable Water using Herbal Drip Bag Filter

Author Name : Ms. Dolly Chandrakar, Ms. Nayanika Dasgupta, Dr. Vaishalipendse, Dr. D. Mukhopadhyay


Rural population of India is suffering from water pollution. Less than 50 percent of population in India has access to safely managed drinking water whereas in India excess of fluoride and arsenic has affected 19 states and also depletion of ground water quality is of major concern There are various method  available for water purification but they are not as much as useful for wide range people. The experiment had been designed to capture the efficacy by reducing the Total Dissolved Solids, and other parameters in order to improve the quality of water. Proposed system consists of combination of natural substances. The primary objective of this study is to identify the most appropriate herbal plants for the removal of contaminants from water and also to develop a water treatment kit at an affordable cost for rural folk. Nearly seven herbs namely Neem, Moringa  Oleifera, tulsi ,mango ,coconut shell and orange peel,(powder form) were chosen for this study. The effectiveness of these herbs in the removal of turbidity, total hardness, total dissolved solids (TDS), fluoride, chloride, calcium and magnesium has been investigated. This method can be made portable, cost effective, user complaint and energy efficient which will be self sufficient to meet the drinking water needs. The results obtained from this experiments satisfy the drinking water parameters

Key words - Water Pollution, Water Quality, Herbs Treatment, Low Cost, Self Reliant