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Exploration for Heritages: The Stone Angel by...

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Exploration for Heritages: The Stone Angel by...

Exploration for Heritages: The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence

Author Name : Victor Vinoth V, Dr. Vijayakumar M


Margaret Laurence's Manawaka cycle starts out with the 1964 novel The Stone Angel. However, it is the second book she has written. The first draught of The Stone Angel was written between 1961 and 1962 in Vancouver. The work itself was created at a period when her skill was deciding between her and someone else. After a year of living in England, far from her native Canada, she was able to write the book. In 1964, The Stone Angel was released in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada.  After she finished her piece about Africa, she reflected on It was imperative that she recall her own Canadian heritage if at least not in the physical sense During her time in Africa, Laurence was able to experience a variety of cultural practices. She was therefore able to have an accurate appreciation for the traditions of her own people.  This paper focus on the exploration of heritage in the life of Hagar Shipley the protagonist of the novel.

Keywords:  anxiety, cultural, fear, identity, isolation, practice.