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Exploration of Perceived Stress among Married...

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Exploration of Perceived Stress among Married...

Exploration of Perceived Stress among Married and Unmarried Women Employees in Public and Private Sector

Author Name : Dr. Anamika Rai, Dr. Houshou Suzen, Mehak Pavi


Perceived stress is related to one’s thoughts and feelings about the stressor that causes stress. It can impact a person’s wellbeing negatively only if the person perceives the situation as stressful. The current study compares the level of perceived stress among married and unmarried employed women working in public and private sector, Delhi. Purposive sampling was used and data was collected from the northern states of India. The participants were informed before starting the questionnaire that all ethical protocols regarding confidentiality will be followed. Their responses will not be disclosed to a third party and will only be used for research purposes. Data was collected from 60 working women employees (married=30, unmarried=30). Descriptive (Mean, SD) and inferential statistics (t-test) were employed to analyse the data. The results indicate a significant difference in the level of perceived stress among married and unmarried employed women however no significant difference was found for employed women in public and private sector. The findings of the study emphasize the need for guidelines to be formulated on the organizational level for employees for the management of work-life balance as well as certain life-style changes and techniques that can help in stress reduction for women employees specifically. 

Keywords: Perceived Stress, Married women, Unmarried Women, Public Sector, Private Sector, Delhi