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Fluoride Contamination in Groundwater of Hima...

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Fluoride Contamination in Groundwater of Hima...

Fluoride Contamination in Groundwater of Himayatnagar Area, Dist. Nanded, Maharashtra: A Case Study

Author Name : Dr. Krishnanand Bhaurao Patil


Fluorides can enter aquatic environment i.e. into surface as well as groundwater by natural processes as well as anthropogenic activities.The major part of the Maharashtra region is covered by basaltic rocks generated from lava, where fluoride is the chief constituent. The soil at the top of mountain is particularly likely to be high in fluoride from the weathering and leaching of bedrock with high fluoride content. The content of fluoride above the permissible limit is the great concern with respect to adverse health effects in human as well as animal beings. Water is major source of fluoride content and fluoride intake. Major fluorides can enter the human body through drinking water. Majority of the population from the study area of Himayatnagar is depend upon groundwater for their daily need as there is no major source of surface water is available in the area.

Keywords: Fluorides, Groundwater, Himayatnagar, Contamination.