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Gender, Work Experience and Emotional Stabili...

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Gender, Work Experience and Emotional Stabili...

Gender, Work Experience and Emotional Stability as moderator of job satisfaction among technical professionals

Author Name : Dr. Neelam Sameer Singh, Dr. Manju Khokhar


The main objective of the present research paper was to study the job satisfaction among technical professionals in relation to gender, work experience and emotional stability. The sample of the study was 160 technical professionals comprising both male and female, the age ranging from 1 to 40 years. job satisfaction was measured by JSS developed by Amar Singh(1999) and emotional stability by (UpinderDhar, 2005).Since there were three moderators or independent variables such as gender, work experience and emotional stability, each variable was vary into two categories  so 2X2X2 Factorial design was used. The results were analysed with the help of univariate analysis of variance and the test was also used to find out significant difference between two variables. The results of this study showed that these variables as gender, work experience and emotionally stability emerged as significant moderator in job satisfaction employees having higher work experience and more emotional stability have more job satisfaction as compared to professionals having less work experience and less emotional stability. Thus, findings will throw light upon applied application of job satisfaction among technical professionals. So teachers can motivate themselves those strategies.

Human behaviour at any particles moment of times is influenced by the internal as well as external situations to which each and every individual is exposed. Realising human behaviour as a complex and dynamic in nature, the moderating influence of past experience, emergence of needs, interaction with other individuals, the ever changing socio-political and economic scenario directly and indirectly influence job satisfaction of employees whether they were working higher or lower level of job hierarchy. The term job satisfaction is derived from the work Hoppock(1935), who defined job satisfaction as combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances that cause a person truthfully to say “he was satisfied with his job” Locke (1976), opines Job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one is job experience job satisfaction is one of the most important jackers which has drawn attention of managers in the organazation as well as Academicians.Various studies have been conducted to find out the effect of job satisfaction on various facts of work life(Brires, 1988; Luthans, 1992 Akbar, 2016; Khawaja’etal, 2013, Tanya 2018;Mayfield and Mayfield 2020).