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Gesture-Based Robotic Arm Control

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Gesture-Based Robotic Arm Control

Gesture-Based Robotic Arm Control

Author Name : Yallati Nithin, Tharun. D, Shailesh Patil, P. Manoj Kumar, Mr. V. Srinivasulu


Robotic technology has gained significant prominence in modern times, and its use has grown exponentially across various industries. In this paper, we propose a novel method of controlling a robotic arm through hand gestures. Our system utilizes an RF receiver, which is connected to an 8051 microcontroller that controls the driver IC responsible for directing the movement of the arm. The transmitter circuit comprises an accelerometer sensor linked to an AT mega microcontroller that sends commands to the receiver circuit. These commands indicate whether the robotic arm should move up or down, or whether it should grip or release an object. Our approach is unique and innovative, and we believe it has significant potential in the field of robotics.

Keywords: Robotic Arm, Hand Motion Detection, Remote Control, at mega Microcontroller, 8051 Series Microcontroller