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“Green Human Resource Practices In I.T. Sec...

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“Green Human Resource Practices In I.T. Sec...

“Green Human Resource Practices In I.T. Sector at Chennai City”

Author Name : S. M. Abdul Wahid


This study focuses on green practices taken by employees working in the Information Technology(I.T.) sector. Going green, being more environmentally friendly, leading a sustainable lifestyle, protecting our planet and many more things have become a part of our everyday life. A green HR strategy is now a key business strategy for the leading I.T. Sectors. When the HR departments plays a vital role in achieving sustainability, this study aims to raise awareness among employees about the issue of sustainability and also this study expands on differing practices that may be included for constructing a green environment. The study depends mainly on primary data and questionnaires were designed to collect information. In addition, the secondary data is also used like all relevant published information collected from books, journals and websites,64 Samples were collected from the employees working in Chennai I.T. Sector andConvenient sampling is used to collect the sample. Percentage analysis, Mean and Standard Deviation analysis methodology was used for evaluation. The study concluded raising employee awareness by conduction regular meetings to discuss the development of strategic green HR skills and promote the environment related issues by adopting it in management philosophy, HR practices and policies, training people and implementing of law related to Environment Protection will lead to Green HR Practices.

Keywords: GHR, GHR Practices in I. T. Sector.