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Green Manufacturing & Sustainable manufacturi...

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Green Manufacturing & Sustainable manufacturi...

Green Manufacturing & Sustainable manufacturing Save the resources by the reduction of Waste and emission help Increase the growth of Economy of Manufacturing Business

Author Name : Aniruddh Mishra, Gaushiya Bano

ABSTRACT We know that today, almost all the manufacturing company has the competition to each other in this competitive world Manufacturing Company needs to only earn in the form of currency in spite of that, they damage to the environment. This type of pollute environment attractive. Vital day by day for Human being, animals and so on-Air pollution is one of the greatest significant risk factors can create diseases such that asthma, lung cancer, heart diseases and so on. Therefore, the expenditures which are approaching out of manufacturing company play a vital role for toxic to the environment Such that GM and SM is a very good concept because this encourages companies to reduce the pollution, recycling and reusing waste, also things about the growth of company and increase productivity. Most important, it stand the company to face the global competitions. Also aims to reduces gases from environment such that SO2, CO, NO2 and damping of solid waste into land and water which harms to plants, animal and human being. The Sustainable manufacturing very much ropes the present resources like coal, petroleum, natural gases, etc.