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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Green Marketing: Makes the Customer Feel Smar...

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Green Marketing: Makes the Customer Feel Smar...

Green Marketing: Makes the Customer Feel Smart

Author Name : Aarti

ABSTRACT:  “ Good marketing makes the company look smart. Green marketing makes the customers feel smart.” This time global warming is become a dangerous issue not for only our country but also for whole world. The main reason of global warming is environment pollution. The companies, industries and marketing agencies are also responsible for the global warming. So I think that, this is an important time for us to protect the environment. Green marketing is a step which play an important role for the protection of environment. The objective of this paper is, to tell about the concept of green marketing and to motivate the companies, industries, marketing agencies and also customers for using the concept of green marketing. Green marketing is the marketing of environmentally friendly products and services. It is becoming more popular as more people become concerned with environmental issues and decide that they want to spend their money in a way that is kinder to the planet. Green marketing can involve a number of different things, such as creating an eco-friendly product, using eco-friendly packaging, adopting sustainable business practices, or focusing marketing efforts on messages that communicate a product’s green benefits.