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Growth, Trends and the Structural Stability i...

Growth, Trends and the Structural Stability in the Imports and Exports of Principal Agricultural Commodities in India

Author Name : Krishnan Kutty.V


Agriculture and allied businesses are crucial to the long-term growth and development of the Indian economy. The study's goal is to look at the growth, trends, and structural changes in agricultural commodity imports and exports throughout the new agricultural policy, which began in 2000. A country's agricultural production's structural stability reflects its agricultural production's stability. The structural stability of agricultural commodity imports and exports in India prior to and after the new agricultural policy (1990-2000). (2001-2016). The Reserve Bank of India's handbook of statistics on the Indian economy provided secondary data (2017-18) - India's government to achieve the goals. Agricultural commodity imports changed from 1205.86 to 140289.22 throughout the study period, with exports varying from 18.47 to 12.55 percent. In 1994-95, agricultural imports expanded at the fastest annual rate of 155.1082 percent, while exports grew at 54.261 percent. The structural stability of agricultural commodities imports and exports is unaffected, according to a study.

Keyword: Growth, Trend, Statistical Stability, Agriculture, Commodities