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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Imagined Homelands: Memory, Nostalgia and the...

Imagined Homelands: Memory, Nostalgia and the Image of Home in Sobuj Shaola Dhaka Jol by Abhijit Sen

Author Name : Amlan Datta


The 1947 Partition initiated a process of migration and displacement that continues till today. The people who left home behind the border and tried to find a new home across the border have never been able to forget their real home/homeland. This paper tries to examine the experience and memory of the Partition survivors who lived their pre-Partition past after the Partition in Sobuj Shaola Dhaka Jol, a novel by Abhijit Sen. The characters in the novel have settled down in the new land; but they still accept their abandoned home/homeland behind the border as their only “home”. This consciousness is reflected in their action and thought and it controls their present and future course of life.

Keywords: displacement, home, migration, memory, nostalgia, Partition, refugees.